- A high school graduate answers a newspaper ad for a job…
- A boy accepts an invitation from a customer who frequents the convenience store where he works…
- Parents ask a neighbor to give their daughter a ride to a birthday party…
All three of these events lead to TRAGEDY for the young person involved.
Learn from two people who have seen treachery first hand and its effects.
Pastor Al Erickson with Patricia Malloy reveal the often hidden treachery that awaits our children in a world that is becoming increasingly dangerous.
The authors uncover what we don’t want to face, but God has powerful gifts for those willing to do so. The Lie now propagated in society and in the minds of parents, grandparents and concerned adults is challenged. That lie is:
The youth of our nation are not in danger. No one is really after them. If there is jeopardy out there, they will easily avoid it. We don’t have to be concerned, for they will make it to adulthood in fine shape. My influence as a parent, whatever that is, is all they really need – along with some other fine folks at my church and school. I will not have to live with any dire consequences and neither will they. (A lie!)
Along with the awareness of what awaits our kids, there are clear pictures of what a great calling God has given every parent and grandparent—roles of Prophet, Priest, and King as we are called to fulfill with God’s help.
This disturbing, revealing, eye-opening and faith-building book has its strong Biblical foundations; it shows us why we need to assume the important role of Protector for precious young ones. Hope will be encouraged and desire to take action will be realized as Book II reveals solutions and tools that can make a real difference.
“For those who believe in Jesus Christ, this is an excellent book to read. What Al Erickson and Pat Malloy have explained in Parents Arise! Grandparents Arise! is not only imperative for the moral, social and emotional well-being of our nation, it is equally imperative for our economic and political well-being.”
—Al Quie, former Governor of Minnesota
Visit for more information.
Walter Sundberg, Professor of Church History, Luther Seminary in St. Paul, calls these two “indispensable volumes on safeguarding children today.” “Erickson and Malloy describe the dangers and pitfalls of present day parenting (and grand parenting) with an unblinking eye….Pastor Erickson is a superb, down-to-earth expositor of Scripture; a rare talent in the mainline church today. Not only does he provide fresh insights into the reading of Matthew, showing the sober realism of the Gospel’s understanding of society and world…He also uplifts and guides the vocation of Christian parenting in his reading the Epistle to the Ephesians (1, 119-123), which opens this letter in a way that I have not encountered before.The ten challenges of the first volume and the ten actions of the second are specific, pointed and all make sense. You will have to read the books to find out what they are; which I encourage you to do. For those who care about our youth today, these books are must reading.”